Friday, 29 June 2012

Undead Rising - Skeletons have progresses

Well, at the end of my first week of this I have made some progress.

All of the miniatures required for the first scenario have been undercoated and I have done the bone colour on the 8 skeletons.

I used paints from the new GW colour range and found them as quite good. I mostly use the GW colour range as the store is located a couple of minutes walk from where I work so it is easy to stop in and get any colours that I need or run out of the day before. 

I have found where to get both the P3 and Vallejo ranges, which I might have a go with at some point in the future as well.

The specific colours that I used were:

Zandri Dust, a Seraphim Sepia wash with a drybrush of Praxeti white. So straight out of the GW painting guide for this one.

I found the new dry paint compound a little interesting to work with as it really is very, very thick. After a false start I tried using it neat and it worked quite well that way.

I also thinned my paints with the 'Eavy Metal medium. I have had this for a while and I don't mind it at all. The Lahmian medium in the current range is pretty much the same thing and I have used both now and could not really pick a difference.

Well, onwards to the weekend and hopefully some more painting progress.


Wednesday, 27 June 2012

From the Vault - Howling Griffins

Welcome to the first of my mid week updates. In these I will be showing some of the miniatures from my collection. Some painted by me, some painted by my friends for me.

First up we have the 10th squad of the 4th company of the Howling Griffins. I have the whole battle company, with half of it painted. So I am starting with these.

10th Squad - Devastators.
2 Missile Launchers
2 Lascannons


 And brave Sergeant with his auspex.


I plan to in the future finish off the whole 4th battle company of these guys. Currently I have no vehicles painted for them, because painting large areas of yellow smoothly was a scary prospect. I am thinking of getting an airbrush in the future though and that should make the whole project a lot easier.

Till next time, with an update of current items.


Monday, 25 June 2012

First post with Miniatures - unpainted

So what is a blog about miniature painting without photos of miniatures?

So to go about rectifying this, my first project is to paint the models for the first scenario of Dwarf Kings Hold: Dead Rising from Mantic Games.

So this is where I am up to currently. Yes, I cheated a little bit and these were prepared yesterday. Photographing them was easier than I thought, but I am going to have to play around with focusing on groups of models.

So the first scenario needs:
3 Dwarf warriors
(1 dwarf corpse objective - the blurred blob at the bottom)

8 Skeletons
Really only 6, but the necromancer player has two bone piles that could become skeletons and there is also the chance that if a dwarf bites it they can be turned into a skeleton as well. So a couple of extra skeletons were assembled. I decided to arm them with a half and half mix to make painting a little different, 4 with spears and 4 with single handed weapons. I am not sure if this will make any game difference, but it looks Ok.

So the next step is to have these undercoated by the weekend ready to start painting them.

First post

Welcome to my easily distracted painting blog.

Well, I guess that every blog has to have one of these posts.

This is an attempt to get me painting more miniatures, of varying types. I hope to update a couple of times a week, but my goal is at least once a week.

Other things that I hope that this blog will help with is my ability to take photos of my miniatures.

Now I am off to explore the wacky world of backgrounds and other wonderment that I can do with my newly created blog.

