All of the miniatures required for the first scenario have been undercoated and I have done the bone colour on the 8 skeletons.
I used paints from the new GW colour range and found them as quite good. I mostly use the GW colour range as the store is located a couple of minutes walk from where I work so it is easy to stop in and get any colours that I need or run out of the day before.
I have found where to get both the P3 and Vallejo ranges, which I might have a go with at some point in the future as well.
The specific colours that I used were:
Zandri Dust, a Seraphim Sepia wash with a drybrush of Praxeti white. So straight out of the GW painting guide for this one.
I found the new dry paint compound a little interesting to work with as it really is very, very thick. After a false start I tried using it neat and it worked quite well that way.
I also thinned my paints with the 'Eavy Metal medium. I have had this for a while and I don't mind it at all. The Lahmian medium in the current range is pretty much the same thing and I have used both now and could not really pick a difference.
Well, onwards to the weekend and hopefully some more painting progress.