Well, it has taken me a few days to get this up.
Lots of photos to go through. Yikes.

My thoughts on this years Games Day was that it was so much better than last years. The organisation, the entry into the venue (only thing that I thought could be improved from this year still) and the activities and displays were all a lot more fun and easy to access.
The splitting of Forgeworld from the pre-orders was good. And the shop area was better this time.
Overall, I had a great day. Got my limited edition mini. A metal Ahriman for my Thousand Sons, a print and the 12/13 Games Day limited edition book.

So not a large amount of purchases.
And this year there seemed to be so much more colour in the entries to the painting competition part of the day.
Here is a number of my favourite miniatures from the day. Not sure what actually won, but these were some of the ones that I liked.
My top 4 ones from the above in no particular order are, The High Elf dragon rider, the Night goblin V Dragon Ogre fight, the Biel Tan Dreadnought and the Inquisitors warband.
Looking forward to next year.
Now, off to do some painting of my own (Hopefully...)