Friday, 21 September 2012


Of the 500 points is now painted.

Yes, 22 models.

So here are the first lot of the full hormagaunt painting batch.

So only another 10 to go now until this unit is done.

Short update today, but as progress was made, I thought that I should update away!

A busy weekend ahead for me. I will see if I can get some more painting done by Monday. It's downhill from here.


Monday, 17 September 2012

Some of my own work

Well, I finally got around to putting paint to brush to miniature again on the weekend.

In the works are still the Termagants.

They are not looking too bad at the moment. Hopefully this lot of 4 will be done by the end of the week.

You might notice the numbers on the corks. Why did I do this? I found that I was forgetting which order I was doing the couple of layers of washes in, so I numbered the corks so that I could paint them in the correct order.

I also got the last few colours that I will need (well, ordered on-line really) to paint up my Dark Angels. And in looking back over it, which could be just a nostalgia thing which will likely last just as long as it takes me to play, I am painting them up to have a bash at 2nd ed once again.

Yes, back to the days when 11 models was a legal 500 point Space Marine Army. Looking forward to the other things from second edition again - virus grenades, vortex grenades, every psychic a level 4, because you would be crazy to take any thing less. And the always popular 49 point tech marine. Then there is the unkillable Bjorn, the assault cannon / cyclone missile launcher Space Wolf terminators who could shoot all of their shots in the first turn layering your whole deployment zone with krak templates of doom.

Hmm, why am I going back again?

Onwards to 6th edition and more Tyranids painted!


Thursday, 13 September 2012

Games Day Aus 2012

Well, it has taken me a few days to get this up.

 Lots of photos to go through. Yikes.

My thoughts on this years Games Day was that it was so much better than last years. The organisation, the entry into the venue (only thing that I thought could be improved from this year still) and the activities and displays were all a lot more fun and easy to access.

The splitting of Forgeworld from the pre-orders was good. And the shop area was better this time.

Overall, I had a great day. Got my limited edition mini. A metal Ahriman for my Thousand Sons, a print and the 12/13 Games Day limited edition book.

So not a large amount of purchases.

And this year there seemed to be so much more colour in the entries to the painting competition part of the day.

Here is a number of my favourite miniatures from the day. Not sure what actually won, but these were some of the ones that I liked.

 My top 4 ones from the above in no particular order are, The High Elf dragon rider, the Night goblin V Dragon Ogre fight, the Biel Tan Dreadnought and the Inquisitors warband.

Looking forward to next year.

Now, off to do some painting of my own (Hopefully...)

Friday, 7 September 2012

Three Musketeers

So I have been in a bit of a three Musketeers mood lately.

What has this got to do with things? Well it got me to make some lego models of the characters. This was quite an eye opening experience. The amount of stores out there selling custom parts for lego figures, even the stores that sell individual components themselves was amazing.

So here we go. The main musketeer bodies are from the series 4 musketeer figure. So are the hats and the swords. The faces, hair and other parts are from different ebay sellers. And the capes are also from a place that does nothing but capes for lego figures. Sadly they had none with a fleur de lys on them, but so many lions, eagles and Star Wars symbols it was quit overwhelming to look through them all.

I also made up a set of Cardinals guard and a Cardinal figure. He is a little plain, and not sure what else I can add to him. I am thinking that if I get one of the actors from series 8 of the minifigure sets I might give him the ruff.

So now my mighty musketeers can face off against the cardinals guards. Maybe at a later stage I will have a go at making some sets for these. Escape from the castle. Duel in the ruins. The ship to England. So many cool swashbuckling scenes from the books.

Well, I shall leave it at that for tonight. I am off to Games Day this weekend and I hope to have some photos to share in my Monday update.

(And before you ask, yes, not a great deal of painting has happened so far this week...)

Cheers. Ian.

Monday, 3 September 2012

First unit down

16 Termagants finished.

Yes. The weekend was quite good for me with painting. And not only for my force of the Howl of the Wendigo. The Chaos force is also almost completely assembled as well. The only thing missing are the wings of the Daemon Prince.

So how did that happen? I mostly just got down to it.

So my total force now sits at:

16 Termagants - painted
2 Hormagaunts - Painted
9 Hormagaunts - assembled / 4 undercoated

5 Hormagaunts to assemble
8 Genestealers to assemble
4 Warriors to assemble (1 to be a Prime).

So all in all, 40% of the army is completed, and 60% is assembled.

Hopefully I can ride this momentum until the weekend once more.

And in other news, my copy of Dark Vengeance arrived today. I had a look through and the miniatures look really nice. Although some of them are going to be a pain to clean as the mold lines are across wavy and ridgy detail. But some careful work should see this done. But not for a while - I have Tyranids to paint.
