My recent slackness in posting was due to both a lack of interest in painting, plus my continuing pokemon addiction as well as a trip away to experience a white Christmas.
The trip was good. Saw lots of snow, even on Christmas Day which was really cool.
So looking back at the last year, although I didn't get all that much done really, I am still happy with my progress. Tyranids started, a unit of goblins finished, Dwarf Kings Hold series started to be painted. A few other random bits and pieces as well.
So, what are my gaming resolutions for this year?
1. Kickstarter - Don't back so much. I backed 34 items on kickstarter last year, and have only had full delivery of 2 items. 7 have had partial deliveries. So I have items from 9. Leaving 25 of them in the stage of non-delivery. Now, that is not fully fair, as 1 is still not finished yet, and a few have delivery dates for this year. But still, it is a fair amount of my gaming cash that I could have used to purchase items in hand.
2013 resolution: Think more before backing something on Kickstarter. Is it likely to get a proper release? If so, wait until it does.
2. Paint more. As part of this I am going to set myself realistic goals. Keeping in line with this, my 2013 resolution of projects will be as a start to:
- Finish the 500 points of Tyranids - 8 models to go;
- Finish painting the first set of Dwarf King Hold - 10 skeletons and a dwarven mastiff to go
3. Purchase less. I am going to attempt to paint a model for each one that I purchase. So before anything new is purchased I must paint an equivalent number of models that I currently already own. This will not cut into my backlog, but will hopefully mean it at least does not grow.
4. Game more. I have a regular Saturday "gaming" day. Towards the end of last year, this was more of me going to a friends place and crunkling on his couch. That could have just been end of year fatigue setting in, but I am going to play at least one game a week, be it a board game, miniature game or the like. This will be in addition to any computer games that I play.
So those are some broad and nebulous goals. Will I meet them? Hopefully. What ever happens, fun will be had, paint will be splattered and possibly some excuses will fly. :)
On the bright side, I have already started to implement plan "Finish the Tyranids" and have put some paint on the next 4 Genestealers. Pics to be come in the next update.
Have a safe and successful new year!