Well, that was an interesting week.
Took photos, went to go online on Monday - hmm, cannot connect. Restart computer and modem. Still could not connect.
Tried phone line - not working.
So after a few days the phone company fixed their problem and I was again able to access the wonders of the internet.
I used the time off line to do some painting and also catch up on some reading. More about that in another post I think. Also some photos of the Lego exhibition will also have to wait for another post later on, because I should get on with posting some pics of the work that I have done.
So Monday's post was to be about the work in progress done on the skeletons.
Which I thought were starting to come along quite nicely, and brings us to todays actual post.
The skeletons are now complete, with their little dogs too.
The small items at the bottom of the pic are the Soul Pits. They were fairly easy to paint, and with the well watered down wash of Scorpion Green look suitably arcane and sickly at the same time.
Then it was onto the remaining Dwarves. These were started last night so I have only started on the armour so far.
The two dwarves with the shields are the last of the warriors. They will be painted in a similar way to the earlier warriors, but with blue tabards. The shield breakers, the ones with the two handed hammers will be painted in a more uniformed scheme as I see them as the older guards, or at least the professional soldiers of the Dwarven Hold Dwarven expedition force.
All things being equal I should have a game report of our first game to post next Wednesday.
And as long as the internet spirits are kind to me, a post with updates on the progress on the last of the Dwarves on Monday.
Till then,
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