Monday, 6 August 2012

The edge of the shadow

A reasonably successful weekend of painting occurred. Not only did I get a few of my test models finished, but I also dug out a box of Tyranids. Hurrah for saving money. It is quite scary what I have lying around in wait for the unwary miniature explorer.

So I hear you ask, what did I get done? Well I completed both the test Termagant and the test Hormagaunt. Oh, the ankle snapping hormagaunt. The join between the base the the foot is very small on this model and just while painting it I managed to break it. I am not too hopeful for how these miniatures will go in gaming regarding breakages, but I am being optimistic that they will go well and not snap more ankles than a heroine in a pulp adventure novel.

I also started on the test Genestealer. This is being a little more problematic for me, as the fading for the blue is going to be less defined. It was easy enough with the other models as they have defined plates to paint this on, but the 'stealer has more of a ribbed carapace so I am still working on how to get it there. But that is the point of the test models. In my 500 point list the 'stealers have the talons as well as the claws, so the real models will look a little different. But practise is always good.

I also assembled the first 8 termagants for the army proper. I still have to have a go at some of them with the liquid greenstuff to fill some gaps, but that should be Ok. The assembly was quite time consuming with cleaning all of the models up, but I figure if I can do 4 a night as well as some painting I should have the lesser tyranids all assembled within two weeks. Then a figure if I get a warrior a night done, there is another week or so as well as painting in the mean time.

So the shadow of splinter fleet Wendigo slowly progresses, and so far stands at a mighty 11 points. So only 488 points until I finish painting this batch.

Yikes, I have my work cut out for me still.



  1. Wow it's great to see some of your models seeing the light of day again. I was shocked when I help you pack them last time. Mind you you are doing better then I.

    1. Yes, it is feeling quite good to get onto some old miniatures. Maybe one of these days my ability to get through them will exceed my purchase of new stuff. However that has been good at the moment, even if only because so much stuffs in potentia is still in the Kickstarter wings waiting to ship to me...
