Is the name of the reason that I don't have an update today.
Even after an additional long weekend, I am only half way through the next 4 hormagaunts. But a lot of Borderlands 2 has been played.
And some Rocksmith. I quite like it. I have only played a little, but the game delivers what it set out to do, which is allow me to plug my guitar into my PS3 and play some songs. I just wish that we had the full amount of DLC that is available in the US, but I guess that it will come in time.
No promises on getting more painting done this week, but I hope to get some in. It all depends on how weak my will is.
Also later in the week I might post up my complete thoughts on the new Chaos space marine codex. My current thoughts on it?
Damn I hate being right... Tzeentch, why does GW forsake thee?
OH! I feel for you. On the other hand I am loving the look of the new flyer they got. Hope the game is going well.