Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Looking back to game again

I was discussing Confrontation on the weekend. And this lead to a goal to try and play the game again, as I have a fully painted wolfen force and my friend has his Scorpions of Dirz.

We did play a very small amount of this game when it was out. However not long after we started, Rackham began their decline into oblivion. And by a small amount, we played through the learn to play guide of the Initiation Set

To this day we cannot remember the victor in the one game that we played of it, however we do both remember having a lot of fun with it.

Unlike my usual choices for forces, I decided that I wanted a group of mighty headband warriors. In Confrontation, nothing says "Fist to the Face" like giant angry wolfen. So they are the force that I have. And they were one of the forces in the starter and initiation sets. Not the weak models, but mighty predators of blood, fang warriors and Onyx the Prowler. That is pretty hard hitting force there. Add in Syriac with summon Animae and the predators can become Ultimate predators and really lay about with both fists, feet, swords and teeth.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the look at my Confrontation force.

I have only two models for unpainted, being a Worg and Irix the Ultimate (and still in boxes). I guess that I should try and get those painted at some point.

Oh, and in the interests of full disclosure, I didn't paint these models. They were painted by a good friend of mine, who I hope that I can convince to paint the last two models for as well.

I do have a number of Cynwalls as well, but they are neither painted or assembled. Another project for a later period of time.


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