Sunday, 2 December 2012

Much distraction...

Reading, Pokemon, Borderlands 2... So many things to do that are not painting miniatures.

But, I have now played my first game of 6th edition 40k.

I used my Thousand sons. My army consisted of a Sorcerer, 2 Thousand Sons squads in Rhino's, Havoc squad with 2 Autocannon and 2 heavy bolters, 4 bikes with 2 meltaguns and a Land Raider.

I played against the friends of all races - a Necron force that contained 1 Lord, 1 Destroyer lord, 5 Destroyers, 10 Immortals, 2 squads of 10 Warriors and 6 wraiths.

We played the Emperors Will scenario, deployed in Hammer and Anvil.

In traditional style the Thousand Sons lost. We stopped the game after turn 4, with the victory points sitting at 1 for the Thousand Sons (First Blood) to 4 for the Necrons (Warlord and Holding an objective).

By that stage I had 1 below half strength squad left, 2 rhinos, the havocs (in combat with the wraiths) and the land raider.

The game was good. I learnt a few things. Unfortunately the Thousand Sons did about as well as I was expecting, which was not very. They are quite good on an Alpha strike, but with their numbers they cannot weather the return fire very well. In the world of chaos and must challenge, Sorcerers are not all that good a choice as your warlord. The Tzeentch psychic powers are not very good. The basic power is probably the worst one as its strength is variable. Bolt of Tzeentch did Ok for me, in that it took a wound off the Destroyer lord and killed 2 warriors and an immortal during the whole game.

Sadly I think that overall I would have been better off with a force of normal CSM's with a mark, rather than the Thousand sons. The thousand sons are really expensive and I could only fit in the two troop choices. This did not help with with holding objectives, or the potential to hold objectives.

Oh well. Next week I shall try again.

Some pictures are coming shortly.
