Wednesday, 27 February 2013

10 Night Goblins done

Well, the post title pretty much sums this one up. The first 10 of the unit of 20 Night Goblins in the Orange group is done.

Next up, the other 10 in this unit. I am off to undercoat them now and should make a start on them tomorrow evening.

Running Totals:
Painted: 14
Purchased: 0

Cheers. :)

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Painting - 4 done now.

Well, it has taken me a while, but I have finished 4 Vanguard from Sedition Wars.

I am pretty happy with them. So only one more to go and I will have enough painted to play the first mission.

However between these guys and my Tyranids I am a little sick of white again, so after I finished the 4th guy today, I have started on some goblins once more.

So now to paint these guys for a while. And hopefully get them finished in a reasonable amount of time so I can get back to the Sedition Wars miniatures once again.

But in keeping to my Gaming Resolutions, how am I looking so far.

Miniatures painted: 4
Miniatures purchased: 0

And I have managed to play more games so far, though most have been board and card games so far.

And kickstarter? Well I keep looking and have stayed strong in the face of several very tempting miniature kickstarters. so 1/6th of the way through the year and it is all looking good for me. Can I maintain this? Hopefully.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

First Sedition Wars Miniature.

Well, it has been quite a month. So far I have managed to either play a game (or two) or do some painting each week. So that is looking good for my resolution so far.
Although, I have not yet returned to painting my Tyranids. Instead, many copies of Sedition Wars arrived. And while waiting for my fully painted set to arrive, I have been distracted by the magnificant miniatures in the box.
So to try out the colour scheme for the models, I have had a go at a Vanguard Samaritan.

I followed the painting guide by one of the Studio McVey forum members here

I think that it looks pretty good. So only another 5 or so models to go and I will have enough to play the first mission. Well, except for the Strain. I will have to see about those as although the sculpts and models are excellent, I am not looking forward to having a go at painting them as much as I am the Vanguard.

Next update will be my tales from Arcanacon 2013, where I managed to pull off my worst tournament performance ever, but had a great time doing so.
