Well, it has taken me a while, but I have finished 4 Vanguard from Sedition Wars.
I am pretty happy with them. So only one more to go and I will have enough painted to play the first mission.
However between these guys and my Tyranids I am a little sick of white again, so after I finished the 4th guy today, I have started on some goblins once more.
So now to paint these guys for a while. And hopefully get them finished in a reasonable amount of time so I can get back to the Sedition Wars miniatures once again.
But in keeping to my Gaming Resolutions, how am I looking so far.
Miniatures painted: 4
Miniatures purchased: 0
And I have managed to play more games so far, though most have been board and card games so far.
And kickstarter? Well I keep looking and have stayed strong in the face of several very tempting miniature kickstarters. so 1/6th of the way through the year and it is all looking good for me. Can I maintain this? Hopefully.
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