Well, it has been quite a month. So far I have managed to either play a game (or two) or do some painting each week. So that is looking good for my resolution so far.
Although, I have not yet returned to painting my Tyranids. Instead, many copies of Sedition Wars arrived. And while waiting for my fully painted set to arrive, I have been distracted by the magnificant miniatures in the box.
So to try out the colour scheme for the models, I have had a go at a Vanguard Samaritan.
I followed the painting guide by one of the Studio McVey forum members here
I think that it looks pretty good. So only another 5 or so models to go and I will have enough to play the first mission. Well, except for the Strain. I will have to see about those as although the sculpts and models are excellent, I am not looking forward to having a go at painting them as much as I am the Vanguard.
Next update will be my tales from Arcanacon 2013, where I managed to pull off my worst tournament performance ever, but had a great time doing so.
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