Monday, 8 April 2013

414... That is a reasonably large number.

So I finished the next 8 Night Goblins and started to undercoat the next large model that will bring me to 415.

So the 8 models consisted of 3 fanatics for the orange units, 3 gobs to add to the first unit of squig herders as stand in herders, 1 night goblin to bring the blue unit up to a true 50, and my 5th shaman.

So my spreadsheet tells me that I am now over 3000 points of night goblins. Yikes. That is without magic weapons (except for those that Skarsnick comes with base) and with all Shaman counting as level one.

The next model is my first foray into the world of finecast. So far, not liking it a whole heap. The model seems very bouncy for its large nature and minimal points of contact and is not holding the paint that well even after I washed it. I will continue on though and see how it all looks when it is done.

I have also assembled these, which is the start of my Empire of the Dead group. A gaslight Victoriana era game? So what did I choose? A whole bunch of women with swords and pole-arms.

Yikes the Studio McVey figures which are the resin ones in the above pic are very finely cast.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good, my painting has stopped and been put to one side. However my sewing has picked up. Can't wait to see your whole army finished and set up.
