Sunday, 14 April 2013

Ok, 414 is it... But that still a lot (a lot!) of Night Goblins.

I was painting the Mangler Squig model to be model number 415 in the army. And I really, really hated it. I was not enjoying painting it, I was doing quite a poor job, and was quite miserable while doing so.

I started to think what I was painting all these Night goblins for. I don't really play Warhammer Fantasy. So why spend time painting models that I hate?

When that came to me, I decided to stop painting the Mangler Squig. Although I own two of them, I cannot ever see myself finishing the one that I have started, or painting the second one at all. Yes, they have good on table stats, but...

So I present to you my 61% completed Night Goblin horde. No, everything below is fully painted. I still have 39% of the army either assembled and not started or still on sprue waiting to be started.

And some photos of the Boss group of the army. Skarsnick and 2 Big Bosses. And 5 Shaman.

So what does this actually contain?

100 Night Goblin Spears
2 x 50 Night Goblin Spears
50 Night Goblins Hand Weapons
5 x 20 Night Goblin Archers
10 Squig Hoppers
25 Squig Herders (15 Squigs, 10 Herders)
6 Stone Trolls
14 Night Goblin fanatics
2 Big Bosses
1 Squig Hopper Big Boss
5 Night Goblin Shaman

Which leaves me with 262 models to go. But maybe 268, depending on if I decide to add in another 6 Stone trolls or not to give me a horde of them. Go Horde or Go Home I guess. :)



  1. WOW!!! they look great. I also loved the mangler squig but not some much when they melted over in our heat. oh well!

  2. Go hoard - I agree, don't paint what you don't love. The little buggers will know it and fight for you anyway. Gobbos are like that.

    Very impressive array even at 61%


  3. I mean NOT fight for you.

    (memo to self - proof before publishing)
