Well, I got back into the painting and finally finished the next 4 models for Sedition Wars.
Painted mightily this year: 36. Not too shabby an effort.
Purchased so far this year... That is now another story...
See as you know I was trying to only purchase a miniature for each one that I painted, so as to not grow my back log of miniatures any further than the vast mountains that it already contains. Unfortunately, you also might remember, I am rather fond of Kickstarter. And am very weak willed against the shiny new stuff. This is as I do know, a very bad combination.
So far this year, there was a Robotech kickstarter, which I was quite restrained with, only purchasing sufficient to balance the sides up, but still ended up with around 160ish models I believe from that pending, and also the Mantic Deadzone kickstarter, which seems to be a sort of Necromunda style game, but potentially using larger forces. I will have to wait on the rules for that one. So with restraint I also managed to limit myself on that one, but still will probably end up with about 100+ models from that one.
Oh, there was also the East Asian Villiage kickstarter, which had some awesome lasercut pre-painted scenery, but also included minatures with some of the buildings. So I think there is another 30ish models coming with that one.
So for 36 painted so far, and 300ish purchased I don't think that I am going to be able to bring this back. I am still going to keep a track, but I am guessing by the end of the year the number is going to be in the negative. Quite largely in the negative.
Anyway. I am going to continue with my Sedition Wars painting, and next up is the floating weapons platform. Then another 4 models and I will have painted the bonus vanguard extras from one of my sets.
But I am being tempted by trying to paint a new 40k force for Arcanacon next year. So far I have three ideas...
A 5th company force of Ultramarines, I already have the models for quite a large force as I can use the unassembled ones that if I am honest will never go onto my Howling Griffins. But they may... Argh, the choices. I am wanting to paint them in a more metallic look than the standard. If I go on with them, I will modify my painting slightly from the test model. Start with a mid silver base, highlight up to a light silver and then apply the blue washes over the whole thing. That should a better look than this one which has a flat light silver then the washes, but was a good test of concept.
Or an Eldar force. This is an in progress test model for a Biel Tan force. Yes, I again fall in for another force that would require a lot of white in it. Sigh.
Or getting my Imp Guard from the Lerothian 12th into a stand alone force. They were from a previous use as allies for my Sisters of Battle army and it is probably time that they get their own full force organisation chart. I currently have a full infantry platoon painted (55 strong) and an armoured fist squad and Leman Russ. So it has some progress already done. I might post up photos of it at later date.
So at this time, I am not sure which one to decide on. 2 involve starting new armies fron scratch, at least from the painting side. The benefit of them is that I have access to almost all of the miniatures that I would need for the first two. Strangely the third one is the one that would require the most purchases, however still not a great many as I have most of the other items that I would need in that force still.
Or then again there are always my Tyranids...
The distractions call...