For this set of games I decided to take my Howling Griffins. This is because my Thousand Sons don't really work at 1200pts with the way that I like to run them. Squads in 9's eats up a lot of points and leaves me with very few scoring units.
So for the games I decided to take my half of the 4th Battle company of the Howling Griffins. 3 Tactical squads, 1 Assault Squad and 1 Devastator Squad with a Captain.
For the first game, I played against a Tyranid force. I have trouble against tyranids as they always seem to outnumber me. Surprisingly this time I outnumbered the Tyranid force, at least at deployment.
Tyranids after deployment
Tyranids after deep striking
Some days, it just does not pay to don the Power Armour
So after a few turns, the Tyranids had the objective and I was down to a very thin red and yellow line. Overall, it was a loss. But there was a high point. I managed to get first blood (take that Mycetic Spore!) and also down the Carnifex.
Then it was onto game 2. Against an Imperial fist army lead by Lysander. Again, I managed to get first Blood, and take 3 of the 4 wounds off Lysander, but by the end of the game the Fists held two objectives and were contesting the third.
My deployment
Fists left flank
Fists Right flank (not shown, Thunderfire Cannon just behind the photo)
So with another defeat out of the way I moved onto the third game.
This was against an Exorcists marine army.
This game gave me my only win of the set of games. I would like to claim that it was a mighty tactical victory on my part, as they fell for all of my cunning traps and excellent strategies, however that would be a lie. A great, stoking lie. His dice failed him at every turn. Like my own space marines, the Exorcists seemed to have forgotten to turn their power armour on. The leadership tests failures on both sides were amusing (less so for my opponent, as two squads walked off the table this way) and I was down to a single devastator marine and two of my squads were down to only three marines standing but when the smoke cleared and the points tallied, the Howling Griffins came away with a win at the end of the day.
And with scoring First Blood in all three games.
So lots of fun was had. I ended up coming dead last, which given that two of my games had me only gaining a single point was hardly surprising, and congratulations to the overall winner with his Blood Angel army, and also to the Chosen of Chaos with his Tau force.
Next post will be about the Apocalypse game held the next day.
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