Sunday, 14 July 2013

Another good week

Ahh. As the title provides, I have had another good week of miniature painting. Another dozen models have been completed.

Which consist of another 10 Night Goblins for the unit of 100 with Hand Weapons. Bringing the unit now to 20 complete models.

And another two Warlocks.

I am very happy with the progress that I have been making lately. I seem to get into phases and currently I am in a painting phase. So I am trying to hit the painting as hard as I can while it lasts.

Next up I am hoping to complete the Farseet from the box set for the Eldar. That will be good, because it will mean that I will have completed one complete box of models.

I am still not sure what army to take to Arcanacon next year. As it is the 9th Golden Fez I am swinging back towards my Thousand Sons and not a new army. I am waiting to see if the points for Arc have been upgraded, or if it is 1200 still. There were some mutterings about them being raised, however I will wait until the player pack is released and see what it says.

And I realised that I had a math failure with my model count so far this year. 36 + 12 does not 50 make. Sigh. Instead it makes 48 for last week. Which is still Ok.

So 48 plus the 12 from this week though does make 60. So that is good. Above 50 without a math error and about a fifth of the models that I have purchased this year. Which sounds just as pathetic to me as it does to you. However onwards and upwards in the number of painted models. Hopefully neutrality will remain for a while with the numbers of models that I have purchased.

Not likely, as I have backed a kickstarter for some Dwarven Musketeers and Ogre's Cardinals Guard. But that is only 10 models so far. And has not made their funding goal yet, so I will see what happens with them.

Cheers until next time. To the Paintening!

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