Well, I was without a computer there for a little while. The graphics card on my Desktop stopped working, so I had to get a new one and install it. While that was happening I found that my laptop's battery had died and it also no longer was working. Well, unless it was plugged in. So some limited computer time meant that I had some time for... Painting.
I am feeling quite good. I have finished 12 models since my last post.
The Eldar warlock is now done, and I am very pleased with how it turned out.
I also completed the Hurley tactical drone from my Sedition Wars set.
And also another 10 Night Goblins are now finished. This is the first 10 in the next unit of 100 that I have to paint.
So all in all a pretty successful time.
And it also brings me up to 50 models completed so far this year.
Next up I will see about starting on the next couple of warlocks that I have. Then more Night goblins. Then more Sedition Wars figs. And then... Well, best not to get too far aheard of myself in planning.
Well, back to it I guess. I should keep painting hard while I am in a painting mood.
Hey looking good! Hope all going well other wise down your way.