So it is time to remedy that.
What have I been doing? Not painting, that is what I had been doing. Playing computer games, reading. Reading. Playing some more computer games. Looking at miniatures, going back to computer games.
However due to a recent event, I have regained some painting will. (More on that event in another post)
So before I took my break from painting, I had a group of 4 scything talon armed Genestealers halfway completed. So while visiting a friend, we had a painting day and I got them complete.
I also had a few more figures to assemble, which were the last two 'stealers for the unit, bringing them, when complete up to 8 and my first Tyranid warrior, who will briefly be standing in for my Tyranid Prime, until I can get a unit for him and paint up another warrior, probably with close combat weapons as another temporary Prime.
So that is what I have been up to recently. I have even arranged to have a game of the now, not so new 7th edition of 40k with them, so I have to get the above models complete prior to that. Let's see how I do.
Painting Mojo, don't fail me now...
welcome back - looking forward to some more finished models and maybe even a game (if we can work out the logistics)