Thursday, 1 January 2015

Blogger ate 2 posts...

Which was odd, so now you get them all in one giant post.

I finished the models to get the basic Tyranid army playable as a battle forged force. So the HQ, and 3 troop choices. Excellent.

I also got the remainder of the Warrior squad done, as well as the stand in new Prime.
Double Excellent.

Then I assembled the last remaining models from my first battle force box for them, being the Rippers.

However since then, the painting has fallen off a little. Reasons? Doing things around the house (very little). Getting EVE online (Oh my.. where did my time go - Steam says almost 100 hours in two weeks!). Going back to work tomorrow. All these things have reduced my painting once again. However this is not the end.

I got my game in with the complete force, which was just shy of 550 points. By victory points, I had a good win (6 - 3 in my favour) However I had only a squad of Hormagaunts left and the shooting warriors. He had a Herald on a Junkernaught and about three Grots remaining when the game ended on turn 5.

If it had gone on another turn, I am pretty sure that I would have at best tied the game. His Herald would have monstered the warriors and the gaunts were out of synapse range, so were about to revert to their instinctive behaviour. Hopefully next time we play I will also remember my Camera to take some photos.

I did enjoy my first outing of 7th edition and hope to get a couple more games in before Arcanacon. Maybe even with a Marine army, as that is what I will be taking.

Preparation? Practice? Ha! Those is for the weak!


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