I am attending Arcanacon in a couple of weeks. Army lists were due a little while ago and I got mine in. So I thought that I would post about what I am taking.
I am taking a Space Marine army, of the Ultramarine variety. How did this come about? Last year I was devesting myself of several never to be finished projects which went well. Part of this was a small amount of Forgeworld 30k miniatures. They were going to a new home, however it didn't work out and a friend offered to put a basic paint job on them for me.
Long story short, this turned into a project for an army. Sigh. Will I never learn? Ha. Probably not.
So the 323rd Ultramarine Expedition force was born.
Arcanacon is 1350 points. So I am taking along the following:
- Captain with power weapon
- Command Squad - Standard Bearer, Medic, Veteran with sammer / shield and Veterans with shields / bolters in a Rhino
- 5 Assault Terminators, 3 with hammer / shields
- Tactical Squad with melta in a Rhino
- Tactical Squad with flamer / plasma in a Rhino
- Assault Squad w flamers
- Devastator Squad with lascannon / missile launchers.
I have a practice game lined up the day before Arcanacon, so that will be good.
I was going to upload some pics, but I am encountering some issues so these will have to wait.
I have also started painting my copy of MYTH the boardgame. Following a different school of painting for that though, which is a basecolour wash method. More on that in a later post.
You're worse than I am! Well, no. You're not because you're actually getting some hobby time! Keep up the good work and I hope to see you at Arc (if only for a flying visit).