Sunday, 12 July 2015

Still distracted - but got another game of 40k in

Well, I still have not gotten much painting done. Have done a very small amount on some of the Myth undead that I hadn't put brush to miniature to in a while. It didn't go too badly. But still have 5 models to finish in that set before I take some photos of them.

I also forgot to take my camera with me when I played the second game of my Eldar versus my Tyranids yesterday. I had the same opponent as the last game, except that we swapped roles, Eldar for Tyranids.

The board did have more terrain on it, but not a whole lot more, or at least not a whole lot more in the part of the board that we played on. The Eldar deployed in a line, and the Tyranids deployed in one large block, directly opposite some Dark Reapers and Jetbikes. The first turn was harsh on the Hormagaunts as they took the majority of the fire from the Eldar units and were reduced to a shadow their starting strength. They did make contact with the Dark Reapers eventually though in in two close combat phases took Dark Reapers out for a few more losses.

The Remainder of the Hormagaunts then joined with the Genestealers, who the previous turn were very lucky in that the Wraithguard only managed to kill 1 of them from their shooting, because, when you only fail to wound on a 1... 3 ones out of 4 hits later...

The Rending claws took two turns to take out all of the Wraithguard though as they were too tough for the Hormagaunts to make a dent in.

While this was happening, the Eldar guardins and Jetbikes were slowly retreating and trying to shoot up the remainder of the Tyranids. This didn't go so well for them. Well, the retreating part did, just not the shooting.

This following up of the retreating Eldar took up a few turns. The Genestealers were all shot up. So were the Hormagaunts. The Farseer took a wound, and the Tyranid Prime took 2. But by the end of the game, the Eldar were in a bind. Only the Farseer and one Jetbike were remaining at the end of turn 7.

All in all the game was quite enjoyable. The tally now stands at one win a piece for the Tyranids and the Eldar. Now I just need to get back to painting some Dire Avengers. This doesn't seem too likely to be happening this week though, as I have fallen into a computing pit called Marvel Heroes and I am finding it difficult to get out of.


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