Some good timing for me I think. My gaming group has decided to hold an Apocalypse game in November this year. Tyranids vs Marines. So as I have been painting some Tyranids, I thought that this would be an excellent time to try and power on through them to get them worthy of an Apocalypse game.
I am not going to try for anything too over the top with them, as I know myself and my painting speed. However I feel that if I can get to 1500pts or so, I will feel better with putting them down. Or failing that, get at least 3 formations complete to throw down with.
So as this was being discussed late last week I spent Saturday assembling and undercoating the first lot of models that I am going to paint for them. This was some Genestealers, the Broodlord from Deathstorm and a pair of close combat warriors to add to the one that I already have and use as my current Prime to make them a unit of 3.
Over the last two days I have painted quite a lot and have managed to complete the two warriors.
And here is the now complete full unit of three.
I hope to get at least a few of the Genestealers finished by the end of the week when I head out on my holidays. So in this week at home I will be trying to do as much painting on Tyranids as my packing and other things go so that I can head to America on Saturday.
So enough about that. I thought that I would keep a log at the bottom of each of my posts between now and the Apocalypse game to see what I can get completed and what formations they make up.
The Road to Apocalypse so far completed: 2 Tyranid Warriors
It is nice to have a goal to work towards. Even if it is to reduce a large section of the mapped universe into bio-mass