Thursday, 30 April 2015

5 Guardians done and some more 30k

Well, I did pretty well. Busy week so far, but got some time in and finished off the heads for the Eldar. Even decided to attach them to the bodies.

And in only a week as well. My hope to get them done within two weeks was blown away. First time for everything I guess.

Next thing to do is sit down and clean up and assemble the next 5 guardians. My plan is still to finish them and then move onto the suport platform. Which I might even try to magnetise. Crazy!

So here are the next bunch of pictures of my 30k Ultramarines.

The Terminator Assault Squad

Tactical Squad 2

Tactical Squad 3

The motor pool - Command, Tac squad 2 and Tac Squad 3's rides.
That is all that is painted at the moment. I am looking into having the next lot of parts assembled remotely. Just have to save some money before asking for a quote. That would be a Contemptor, a 5 man flamer terminator squad and 2 Land Raiders for the terminator squads to ride in. Hopefully also a Rhino for the devastators as well.


Monday, 27 April 2015

Eldar - they don't need heads, do they?

I got the 5 bodies of the guardians done.

Next up are their helmets.

Not much more to say really. Hope to have the heads finished and mounted on the bodies by Thursday night. Will see how it goes. Then it would be onto the next 5 to finish off the squad. I will do the support platform after the next 5 are done. So that could be many weeks away. Don't want to get ahead of myself.

For my Saturday project the Myth Undead are still going well. I finished the third lot of them. So only 1 more week for the little guys, then a week on the captains, then a week on the boss before I reveal them.

Well, assuming everything runs to course. I am thinking that it will probably be more like 4 weeks until I get them all done.

I recently purchased a New 3DS... And the game Fantasy Life - where is my time going? Oh, so many hours working on tailoring and blacksmithing...

Oh well. At least I mostly play on the bus going to and from work so it is not impacting on my small painting time. Mostly...


Thursday, 23 April 2015

A catch up post

Of the third jetbike that I finished quite a while ago. So the squad is now minimum sized, just in time to be done in by the new models that are being released.

I still have another three in this style to do up.

And I have been doing some work on the guardians - very much WIP as you can see. I am hoping to get this half of the squad done within a fortnight. Then under the current codex I will have a minimum sized legal army. Though from reading though the new White Dwarf, the Eldar get the option of a different force org structure in their new book.

Which I think brings me to something that I am talking myself into being comfortable with. Although I have a fair amount of Eldar (mostly all still unboxed I admit), at the moment I have decided to not purchase the new book. Except for Arc, I only occasionally play 40k, and I figure as long as everyone is playing from the same codex edition, things should remail fairly balanced. Where does this leave me for Tournament armies then? I think that I will only be updating two of my army list books from now on, Space Marines, because I have a sweet looking 30k Ultramarine force and my Howling Griffons. And Chaos Space Marines, because, well, Tzeentch.

If the rumours are true and there is a Tzeentch Daemonkin book coming out in the future, that may even replace the base Chaos Space Marine book for me. It may even allow me to get back to my original way of wanting to play the army - very small amount of models who then summon / are targets for deep strike for the rest of the force.

Will see how it all goes.

At least on the painting front, the Myth stuff is moving ahead. In another 4 or so weeks, I should have the Undead done and will post some images when they are all finished. Then it is the Rats, the elementals and the "remainders" which are mostly mini-bosses, bosses and the alternate heroes. If it keeps up, buy the time I finish my leave in September it may all be done.

And to finish with, some more Mantic undead that I have assembled and will get around to, hopefully sooner rather than later...


Monday, 20 April 2015

And now for a blast from the past...

Well, only from the point of view of the current Warhammer 40k time line.

A project that started, took on a life of it's own and is now moving on to another stage.

Yes, finally some photos of the 323rd Ultramarine expeditionary force that I took to Arcanacon.

The command Squad
The Assault Squad
The Devastator Squad.

I will later post close ups of the Terminators, Tactical Squads and Rhino transports.

And here are some photos from their very first outing - as I had only played 1 small game of 40k prior to Arc, a friend volunteered to game with me the day before. We both used our Arcanacon armies.

Set up looks good.
Hmm, we detect life sighs - that's a lot of Tyranids.

The last stand of the command squad!

A valiant loss for the boys in blue transports, which sort of set the tone for the Arc weekend, now that I think about it. I came comfortably mid field though so that was great. 6 good games and an awesome event once again. Maybe next year I might try to field a force that does not score quite so close to 60 for army composition. Basically the closer you are to the full 60, the "softer" your army is in the eyes of the composition panel.

Then again, probably not. I play for me, not for the wins.


Thursday, 16 April 2015

Some Mantic Undead

Well, while waiting for my Kings of War 2 stuff to arrive, I thought that I would have a go at painting some of the undead that I already have from their range.

I ordered a large amount in the Kings of War 1 kickstarter and gave most of it away. This time I am going to actually paint stuff. Heh, famous last words those...

I thought that I would post a couple of shots of these. One of them pre painting, one WIP which is just before the wash is applied and one finalised one after the wash and small cleaning up.

Given that there is going to be a large number of them, I didn't want to fall into the same flaw as with my Night Goblins, which although look good take quite a while to paint. Even though the night goblins are only three stage highlight.

Will they win any painting awards? Not likely. Or really any awards for good photography. :) However from a whole army point of view they should look pretty good and from across the other side of the table, or even from a Generals eye view they are good enough that I won't feel bad about putting them on the table.


Monday, 13 April 2015

Almost three months and what do I have to show for it?

Quite a bit really.

I have been painting a reasonable amount. So far I have finished off the third of three Chaos Warriors, who I think look pretty cool. I was thinking of doing up a group of these for Armies on Parade this year (do they still hold this?), but I realised how long each miniature takes me to paint...

So not sure what I will do, or even if I will enter. If the Night Goblin painting mojo comes to me, I might get the second unit of 100 done and enter those. Over 400 Night Goblins on a 2x2 board should be worth some votes, right?

Other than that I have fully painted my base set of the Myth board game.

There are a few extra figs in there from my kickstarter edition, but I could not remember the actual base game break up. 6 of the small figs from each set, 2 of the mid sized ones and the Orc boss are extras.

I was trying out a style of painting that a friend is using on their Tyranids. Pretty simple base coat and wash method. I am pretty happy with the results. I am also trialing the Army Painter range of paints with these and so far I have no complaints.

I am trying these paints as the closest gaming store to my (Yay for new one opening less than 10 minutes drive away) stocks Army Painter, GW and P3 paints. I have tried GW and P3 and like both, but wanted to experiment with the Army painter ones. So far no complaints about the paints, but the brushes? I would leave them alone in future. Maybe I got some from a poor batch, but the didn't last very well at all.

I have a few more things to post as well, but why use up all of my pictures in one post when I can make them last over a couple.

Have a good one.