Thursday, 23 April 2015

A catch up post

Of the third jetbike that I finished quite a while ago. So the squad is now minimum sized, just in time to be done in by the new models that are being released.

I still have another three in this style to do up.

And I have been doing some work on the guardians - very much WIP as you can see. I am hoping to get this half of the squad done within a fortnight. Then under the current codex I will have a minimum sized legal army. Though from reading though the new White Dwarf, the Eldar get the option of a different force org structure in their new book.

Which I think brings me to something that I am talking myself into being comfortable with. Although I have a fair amount of Eldar (mostly all still unboxed I admit), at the moment I have decided to not purchase the new book. Except for Arc, I only occasionally play 40k, and I figure as long as everyone is playing from the same codex edition, things should remail fairly balanced. Where does this leave me for Tournament armies then? I think that I will only be updating two of my army list books from now on, Space Marines, because I have a sweet looking 30k Ultramarine force and my Howling Griffons. And Chaos Space Marines, because, well, Tzeentch.

If the rumours are true and there is a Tzeentch Daemonkin book coming out in the future, that may even replace the base Chaos Space Marine book for me. It may even allow me to get back to my original way of wanting to play the army - very small amount of models who then summon / are targets for deep strike for the rest of the force.

Will see how it all goes.

At least on the painting front, the Myth stuff is moving ahead. In another 4 or so weeks, I should have the Undead done and will post some images when they are all finished. Then it is the Rats, the elementals and the "remainders" which are mostly mini-bosses, bosses and the alternate heroes. If it keeps up, buy the time I finish my leave in September it may all be done.

And to finish with, some more Mantic undead that I have assembled and will get around to, hopefully sooner rather than later...


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