I have been painting a reasonable amount. So far I have finished off the third of three Chaos Warriors, who I think look pretty cool. I was thinking of doing up a group of these for Armies on Parade this year (do they still hold this?), but I realised how long each miniature takes me to paint...
So not sure what I will do, or even if I will enter. If the Night Goblin painting mojo comes to me, I might get the second unit of 100 done and enter those. Over 400 Night Goblins on a 2x2 board should be worth some votes, right?
Other than that I have fully painted my base set of the Myth board game.
There are a few extra figs in there from my kickstarter edition, but I could not remember the actual base game break up. 6 of the small figs from each set, 2 of the mid sized ones and the Orc boss are extras.
I have a few more things to post as well, but why use up all of my pictures in one post when I can make them last over a couple.
Have a good one.
Those chaos warriors look very nice; I love the checks