Thursday, 30 April 2015

5 Guardians done and some more 30k

Well, I did pretty well. Busy week so far, but got some time in and finished off the heads for the Eldar. Even decided to attach them to the bodies.

And in only a week as well. My hope to get them done within two weeks was blown away. First time for everything I guess.

Next thing to do is sit down and clean up and assemble the next 5 guardians. My plan is still to finish them and then move onto the suport platform. Which I might even try to magnetise. Crazy!

So here are the next bunch of pictures of my 30k Ultramarines.

The Terminator Assault Squad

Tactical Squad 2

Tactical Squad 3

The motor pool - Command, Tac squad 2 and Tac Squad 3's rides.
That is all that is painted at the moment. I am looking into having the next lot of parts assembled remotely. Just have to save some money before asking for a quote. That would be a Contemptor, a 5 man flamer terminator squad and 2 Land Raiders for the terminator squads to ride in. Hopefully also a Rhino for the devastators as well.



  1. Love the old school red-bolter ultramarine look.
    The eldar are coming along nicely too - white is a bugger and it's looking good.

  2. Thanks! Doing Ok with the painting at the moment. Hopefully once I get over this current Eldar madness I can return to painting some night goblins for our upcoming WFB game.
    Yes, I though that as long as I was having a pre-heresy look army I might as well go for the old 2nd edition look to the force.
